Important Notice
- All Lectures will be available for only one month following delivery of the module. After that lectures will be permanently removed from the website.
- Participants are requested to attend class and complete their modules within one month from the date of lecture upload.
- All the recorded lecture contains copyrighted materials. It is the participant’s responsibility to assure that proper attribution and copyright procedures have been followed.
- Self-Assessment Quiz of each module must be complete within in allowed time limit i.e. 10 minutes. Otherwise participant will be not eligible for next module.
- Each Participant can attempt Self-Assessment Quiz three times, in case of not gain 60% Marks, after three retake of Self-Assessment Quiz, participant will be declared as an unsuccessful for that module.
- All Participants are requested to follow above all the instructions for accomplishment of course.
- Please Do not share your username & password otherwise your account will be blocked permanently without any intimation.